Over 80 per cent shooting of the movie Amayakudu is completed. The movie is directed by Bharati Ganesh and produced by Balamurugan on the banner of Octogaan Movies with Krishnudu and Ananya in the lead roles.
Producer Balamurugan says, “We shot the film in Araku, Vizag and Paderu. Three more songs and some talkie part remain balance. Out of the three songs, one would be shot in Delhi, one in Chennai and the last song in Hyderabad at a specially erected set. We are planning to launch the audio in January and to release the film in February."
Krishnudu says, “In this film, I am playing a character which will have different shades. I am playing a good son, a good brother, a good lover and moreover a gentleman." Director says, “Love, entertainment, family sentiment would be the main elements. Krishnudu is playing the full-fledged commercial hero."
Poonam Singar, Gita Singh, Raksha, Rao Ramesh, Charan Raj, Alekhya, Amit, Praveen and others are in the cast. Music is by Manikant Khadri, camera is by Jayaram, lyrics are by Vanamali and editing is by Marthand K Venkatesh.
Producer Balamurugan says, “We shot the film in Araku, Vizag and Paderu. Three more songs and some talkie part remain balance. Out of the three songs, one would be shot in Delhi, one in Chennai and the last song in Hyderabad at a specially erected set. We are planning to launch the audio in January and to release the film in February."
Krishnudu says, “In this film, I am playing a character which will have different shades. I am playing a good son, a good brother, a good lover and moreover a gentleman." Director says, “Love, entertainment, family sentiment would be the main elements. Krishnudu is playing the full-fledged commercial hero."
Poonam Singar, Gita Singh, Raksha, Rao Ramesh, Charan Raj, Alekhya, Amit, Praveen and others are in the cast. Music is by Manikant Khadri, camera is by Jayaram, lyrics are by Vanamali and editing is by Marthand K Venkatesh.
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