The Bad Girls Club or stylized as BGC (Bad Girls Club) is an American reality television series that has been airing on Oxygen since December 6, 2006. The show was created by Jonathan Murray and is produced by Bunim/Murray Productions (the same company that produces the reality series The Real World). The show's premise follows seven women with a number of personal, behavioral, and psychological problems, deemed "bad girls", as they live together for three months. Cameras record their relationships and their attempts to accomplish specific goals. There have been six complete aired seasons of the show.[3]
On January 10, 2011, the sixth season aired at its new time slot. The show has been a ratings success for Oxygen since it began; it is the first show aired on Oxygen to reach one million viewers.[citation needed] Each season has helped boost ratings, viewership, and awareness for Oxygen. Season four's episode "Go With The Flo" is its most watched episode, achieving 2.27 million viewers. During the premiere of Bad Girls Club Miami recorded a record high view of 1.34 million viewers,[4] the series went to break the "biggest premiere" ever in Oxygen history, according to Nielsen Media Research, until the debut of season six,[4] which broke all previous records of Oxygen and the Bad Girls Club franchise, across all key demos.[4] The premiere also outperformed all other cable networks, along with ABC and CBS.[4] The seventh season moved to New Orleans and aired on August 1, 2011.[5] The eighth season began casting in April 2011
On January 10, 2011, the sixth season aired at its new time slot. The show has been a ratings success for Oxygen since it began; it is the first show aired on Oxygen to reach one million viewers.[citation needed] Each season has helped boost ratings, viewership, and awareness for Oxygen. Season four's episode "Go With The Flo" is its most watched episode, achieving 2.27 million viewers. During the premiere of Bad Girls Club Miami recorded a record high view of 1.34 million viewers,[4] the series went to break the "biggest premiere" ever in Oxygen history, according to Nielsen Media Research, until the debut of season six,[4] which broke all previous records of Oxygen and the Bad Girls Club franchise, across all key demos.[4] The premiere also outperformed all other cable networks, along with ABC and CBS.[4] The seventh season moved to New Orleans and aired on August 1, 2011.[5] The eighth season began casting in April 2011
A group of seven rebellious women who are between the ages of 21 and 27 moves in a mansion who try to co-exist with different personalities, lives, race and sexual orientations and above all they must try to adapt to the frequent changes of moods and behaviors of their roommates.[7] The seven initial bad girls must also obey all the rules that were given to them prior to moving in such as no physical violence towards anyone including the producers. The girls must not intrude the show's production room and must tolerate various interviews in their diary rooms.[7] During the show, some girls may divide the house into cliques, create havoc to satisfy oneself, book parties and hook-ups in clubs, groceries shopping which they try to maintain, including their personal lives.[7] The girls are allowed to contact their families and their personal relationship(s), the girls are given either a laptop or personal computer connected to a big screen TV.
A Bad Girl knows what she wants and how to get it. She makes her own way, makes her own rules and she makes no apologies. A Bad Girl blazes her own trail and rems obstacles from her path. A Bad Girl fights and forces her way to the top with style and beauty. A Bad Girl believes in jumping first and looking later. People will love you. People will hate you. Others will secretly wish to be you. A Bad Girl is you.
Above is the Bad Girls Club creed which was introduced in the third season of the Bad Girls Club.[7]
To date, watching television and using cell phones are not allowed in the bad girls' house. The girls are also allowed to have frequent visitors to visit them.[7] The girls in the house are there to co-exist with each other to accomplish specific goals and must tolerate situations in order to "make it" at the end of the season and they accomplish this by staying in the show without being removed or voluntarily leaving the show.[7] Bullying and tag teaming are seen throughout the series of the Bad Girls Club[7]. At the end of the show, some girls change their ways, looks at life in a different perspective, or becomes a role model which are the key results in the show.[7] In each season, when a "bad girl" is removed or leaves on her own terms, a collage of memorable videos of that "bad girl" is played shortly after her leave. The memorable videos are a collage of situations that the "bad girl" was in or was most notable as.
A Bad Girl knows what she wants and how to get it. She makes her own way, makes her own rules and she makes no apologies. A Bad Girl blazes her own trail and rems obstacles from her path. A Bad Girl fights and forces her way to the top with style and beauty. A Bad Girl believes in jumping first and looking later. People will love you. People will hate you. Others will secretly wish to be you. A Bad Girl is you.
Above is the Bad Girls Club creed which was introduced in the third season of the Bad Girls Club.[7]
To date, watching television and using cell phones are not allowed in the bad girls' house. The girls are also allowed to have frequent visitors to visit them.[7] The girls in the house are there to co-exist with each other to accomplish specific goals and must tolerate situations in order to "make it" at the end of the season and they accomplish this by staying in the show without being removed or voluntarily leaving the show.[7] Bullying and tag teaming are seen throughout the series of the Bad Girls Club[7]. At the end of the show, some girls change their ways, looks at life in a different perspective, or becomes a role model which are the key results in the show.[7] In each season, when a "bad girl" is removed or leaves on her own terms, a collage of memorable videos of that "bad girl" is played shortly after her leave. The memorable videos are a collage of situations that the "bad girl" was in or was most notable as.
A "replacement" bad girl is then brought onto the sThe format for the first season of the Bad Girls Club was largely different from subsequent seasons. A total of seven rebellious women, between the ages of 21 and 31, moved in as groups into a luxurious mansion in Los Angeles, California. The seven girls were also given contracts to maintain their good behaviors during the production of the show, along with a number one rule of the house, no physical violence towards roommates and producers. Season's one and season two "Bad Girls" were not given nicknames, unlike future seasons where producers gave nicknames to all the bad girls who entered the show. During the process of season 1, a record number of "replacements" (who helped filled in, when an original bad girl is removed or left on her own terms) entered the show. On average, around one or two "bad girls" enters the show, season 1, however, had multiple replacements, which wasn't seen again until season 5. In the first episode aired, the producers first showed a physical fight that led up to Ripsi's removal from the show, this demonstration became a pinpoint for every season of the Bad Girls Club. Season 1 was the first season to have 30 minute episodes and a total of 24 episodes in a season.[2]
Season 2's format changed drastically when the maximum age requirements dropped from 35 to 27, compared from season one. The "bad girls" of season 2 moved into the remodeled mansion that was given to season one girls in Los Angeles. The changing of mansion style, size, and structure became an incessant change in subsequent seasons. The seven girls were given mandatory non-profit jobs to help them build a work ethic along with stability of being dependent on others, such as teamwork and commitment for success in later life. Quitting the job or failure to attend resulted in mandatory removal from the show. The girls were given the jobs of planning, decision making, and build cooperation. Season 2 became the first and only season of the Bad Girls Club to give jobs for the "bad girls" and season 2 also became the final season to air 30 minute
Season 2's format changed drastically when the maximum age requirements dropped from 35 to 27, compared from season one. The "bad girls" of season 2 moved into the remodeled mansion that was given to season one girls in Los Angeles. The changing of mansion style, size, and structure became an incessant change in subsequent seasons. The seven girls were given mandatory non-profit jobs to help them build a work ethic along with stability of being dependent on others, such as teamwork and commitment for success in later life. Quitting the job or failure to attend resulted in mandatory removal from the show. The girls were given the jobs of planning, decision making, and build cooperation. Season 2 became the first and only season of the Bad Girls Club to give jobs for the "bad girls" and season 2 also became the final season to air 30 minute
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